Genshin Impact Story
Genshin Impact Story

A Genshin Impact Story: The Selfish Wife

A sickly woman, Qinglian, resides with her husband, a sailor. She has been ill for a long time and appears to know no cure for her condition, despite the fact that she has been taking medicine for it.

Amber soon realizes that Qinglian has not been honest with her, and she finally breaks down and confessed to Amber that when it comes to her illness, it is not real at all.

Since her husband was a sailor, he often spent many years on the sea at a time. Qinglian would often get very lonely and wish her husband would never leave her alone.

Qinglian & Zhuyu (Part 1)
(Credits: Footage from the game Genshin Impact)

Zhuyu, her husband, now lives as a herb gatherer and has been living and working near the mountain for some time. He has a great deal of experience gathering medicinal herbs that are used by her to make medicine.

In spite of the fact that she is aware that everything she is doing is creating concern for her husband and also making them much poorer, she still insists that she would rather live like this than be alone.

Qinglian & Zhuyu (Part 2)

Do you think she’s wrong? Is she selfish? Or is she just lonely? If so, what would you say to her?

Credits: Game is Genshin Impact
Play the game on mobile here Google Play
The official Website is here Genshin impact


Just a Weeb Gamer!

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