Navia Genshin Impact
Navia Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact The Lantern Rite Controversy

As Genshin Impact’s 4.4 update is comming up, a massive decrease in followers, estimated at one million, was noticed on other social media networks linked to Genshin Impact. Genshin Impact The Lantern Rite controversy is back again!

The Lantern Rite festival is back in Liyue this year, and there’s a new Chenyu Vale map expansion. Two new playable characters will be added to the game’s roster. One of them, Adeptus Xianyun, is the human form of Cloud Retainer.

However, the Lantern Rite has once again caused controversy. It seems every year there’s controversy during the lantern rite. The players revolted.

It’s the same problem… There aren’t enough rewards!

Genshin Impact The Lantern Rite Controversy
More Primogems Please!

What do Genshin Impact Players want?

Playing Gensin Impact is all about getting 5 Star Characters. However, for Free players, it’s really hard to accumulate the ingame currency to play Gacha.

For you to get enough Primogems to pull for your character, you have to log in every day for months. You have to do all events and story quests up to that point. That’s too many hours of gaming and many players prefer to swipe their cards. However, most people can’t do that because most Genshin players are free to play.

It makes you feel left out. Imagine all your friends have a new phone, but you don’t. You feel left out because you don’t have the money to buy characters.

Even so, the game is super awesome and you’ll have a blast playing it for the first few months. This is because you aren’t bothered by time-gating that much and are more interested in completing story quests.

There’s an inherent problem with gacha games: they’re only fun if you keep switching characters and playing with new ones. There’s no denying this game is great, but you quickly realize you’ll never get what you want from it.

The problem with Genshin FOMO

Genshin is losing older players quickly since the rewards are so few and far between.

Freemium monetization makes a free game look nice, have a great story, have fun game mechanics, but then it halts your progress until you pay for it.

There’s no fee to play the game, but it’s so heartbreaking not to be able to play with the new characters because you haven’t paid enough.

When the Character Banner disappears after a couple of weeks, it feels like you missed out. It’s painful, especially after completing the character’s quest and getting attached to them.

The rewards in genshin aren’t worth the time spent playing, which is why most of my friends have stopped playing.

Last time everyone spammed the fallen QiQi meme in the discord.

The Previous Genshin Impact The Lantern Rite Controversy

This isn’t the first time, in Genshin Impact, The Lantern Rite Controversy seems to keep happening every year!

Continues QiqiFallen spam has been up to 12 hours on Official Discord Server! Cooldown went from 15 mins to 30 mins.
byu/Unlikely-Papaya651 inDaGrimmReaperGG
Credits: Game is Genshin Impact


Just a Weeb Gamer!

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