what is a waifu
What is a Waifu? (Image by Alexa from Pixabay)

What does it mean when a guy has a “waifu”?

There’s no judgement to be made on this guy, but any fandom or media can find extremes. Outside of extremes, romance and idolization of celebrities are completely normal. Just a tiny percentage of anime fans experience this.

Is it common? Nope. Even haters can’t deny it. People often would ask, “What is a Waifu?”.

It’s basically “fangirling” over a character or celebrity they adore beyond words. People don’t seem to think Nicki Minaj’s fans lack anything emotional. It’s typical in western society. I don’t think there’s a lot of questioning either.

Some people have waifus, which are no less strange than those screaming or crying at concerts after meeting their idols. Waifus are a relatively new concept. They aren’t mainstream, so they draw attention.

It’s normal for people who don’t know anime and waifu culture, community, or fandom to make assumptions about anime and waifu. It’s just what people do when they can’t relate to another’s “norm”. People try to figure it out by thinking, “they must be missing something”, “they must have a problem”, “they are weird,” etc.

I don’t have one myself, but I do not find it to be something bad. Some people think that having a waifu can be a sign of loneliness, and some will mock you. I know a number of people who have waifus (or husbandos) and don’t want to pursue romantic relationships with real people. It’s fine with me if they love their waifu so much.

As long as you’re happy, having a waifu doesn’t hurt.

Being a hard-core fan of something is fine, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your basic needs or cause suffering. For instance, being a hard-core fan of a waifu might make you feel lonely and depressed.

If this happens to you, do this one thing.

Get to know people with similar qualities instead of thinking that your waifu is all you’ll ever need. We who look for waifus have a deep need to find something ‘real’, something ‘just right’, at least in some ways ‘less complicated’ and ‘pure’. Don’t get discouraged when you can’t find the perfect person right away. Keep looking, or change your standards. It’s all about finding the right person for YOU, right?

If you change your behavior, you can live a fulfilling life filled with meaning, purpose, passion, and happiness.

No one can tell you how exactly to live that life, and I cannot guarantee that changing will be easy.

There are many people in relationships, and yet they have “celebrity crushes” on celebrities such as Rihanna, Justin Bieber, Will Smith, or anyone else depending on their age.

As a result, I can’t see why it wouldn’t be okay to be in a relationship and “have a waifu”.

There’s a big difference between a waifu and a real girlfriend. True, no one will be perfectly good like your waifu, but just trust me on this. Even if it hurts at the beginning. You’ll be glad you did it.

Knowing that you can still have a WAIFU while in a real relationship is essential to understand.

But that’s a decision for you both to make.

What is a waifu?

What is a Waifu?

“Waifu” is the Japanese term for a fictional female character that people have a deep emotional connection with.

Credits: Links to the images used in post


Just a Weeb Gamer!

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