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Kuki Shinobu - Genshin Impact
Gacha games were always popular with Asian and Japanese players, Genshin opened up this whole genre to a wider audience and made them accessible and fun for everyone and to all kinds of players. Why Genshin Impact? Well, Let's see. Great Anime Art Style, great…
Anime dragon girl Image by Freepik
There's nothing like anime voice acting and dubbing, but debates about them can get heated. Why are people mad at anime dubs and localizers? What is the recent Miss Kobayashi Dragon Maid Controversy? The Problems with Anime Dubs and Localizers. A Voice Actor's Politics? VA…
Goth Anime Girl Gamer
What if I told you that the sexualization of women (and men) in video games might not be as negative as portrayed? Let's explore why the sexualization of women (and men) in video games might not necessarily be negative. Breaking Stereotypes about Sexualization in Video…
How old is Huo Huo?
As a Foxian, who have a 200+ year lifespan, we can assume Huo Huo is at least 50 years old. A minimum of 12 years old and 38 years working! Even though she's afraid of demons and Heliobi, she's given the job of eradicating vile…
Was Anime a mistake?
In these days, I am wondering why the enticing world of modern anime is failing to capture my heart. I have grown weary of it. I dislike modern anime now. Was anime a mistake? Anime was a mistake -Hayao Miyazaki Hayao Miyazaki made the remark…