Stellar Blade - Lily Vignette - Image from Stellar Blade Website
Stellar Blade - Lily Vignette - Image from Stellar Blade Website

Stellar Blade: Censorship Controversy

Stellar Blade, Sony’s exclusive action game for the PS5, has caused quite a bit of controversy. While the game itself has received generally positive reviews for its fast-paced combat, two key issues have been discussed surrounding it: Eve’s character design and an alleged censorship controversy.

Stellar Blade: Censorship or unintentional accident?

The game’s early marketing materials contained more revealing clothes, which led to accusations of censorship. They’ve said it was an unintentional placement.

Developers do need to be extra careful about breaking local censorship laws for global audiences.

How Stellar Blade ‘Censorship’ Became A Silly PS5 Controversy
byu/NYstate inPS5

Although Stellar Blade has been controversial, many players are praising its gameplay and story. Many players appreciate the artistic choice and character design.

In their previous title, Goddess of Victory: Nikke, SHIFT UP has characters with similar aesthetics. This makes me wonder if this is an isolated incident or part of their design philosophy.

Diesel Goddess of Victory: Nikke, SHIFT UP
Diesel – Goddess of Victory: Nikke, SHIFT UP

How “Anti-Woke” Narratives are Weaponized with Clickbait

In a surprising twist, some commentators called it a victory against “wokeness” in video games. 

Basically, the narrative says hyper-sexualization criticism is anti-artistic freedom and anti-political correctness.

This story is being pumped by many YouTubers and streamers.

While the controversy has generated headlines, it’s worth considering the broader response.

Gameplay-wise, Stellar Blade has a lot of players enjoying its intense combat and engaging storyline.

Despite the fun gameplay, there are some important questions about the development choices namely, the character design.

Whether these elements ruin the game for you is up to you.

Is Eve too sexualized?

Stellar Blade’s Eve, the playable character, has been criticized for her overly sexualized design. Some argue that her clothing choices detract from her character and appeal to a specific audience because it’s form-fitting and revealing. While some argue that her attire is a stylistic choice that fits the game world.

Are female characters better portrayed through a lens of attractiveness, or should they have more diversity?

Critics complain about Eve’s character design falling into the tired trope of hyper-sexualization in video games. The outfit she wore revealed a lot of skin, and her marketing materials emphasized her physical attributes more than her fighting skills.

According to them, this was pandering to a certain audience, which undermined the possibility of a strong female protagonist.

Gamers defended the design, pointing out that Eve’s outfit is practical for her fighting style, allowing her to move freely. The story focuses more on resilience and determination than Eve’s sexuality.

Eve’s design highlights a hot button topic in the gaming industry: unrealistic beauty standards, placing a high priority on physical attractiveness over intelligence, strength, or personality.

Image by Flame_Fox_Games from Pixabay

Credits: Links to the Image sources in order of appearance


Just a Weeb Gamer!

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